
  James Q. Gant Telescope





I was fortunate enough to obtain the telescope used by Dr. James Q. Gant in his lunar research through the 1980's: a 12" f15 Fecker cassegrain telescope. Just months before his death, Dr. Gant donated the telescope and accessories to Moravian College in Bethlehem PA. While the folks at Moravian took good care of it, they never could get permission to permanently mount it anywhere, and frankly, while being called portable it only marginally is! This is a big heavy telescope!

Dr. Gant was a charter member of ALPO, the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, a friend and correspondent with Patrick Moore and HP Wilkins. Wilkins suggested that the lunar crater Archimedes A be named "Gant", but the IAU did not follow through; perhaps because Dr. Gant was still alive at the time. Dr. Gant was a member of RASC, BAA, Nation's Capital Astronomers and other societies.

Dr. Gant's step-children have been kind enough to provide me with several photos of the original setup Dr Gant used.

Dr. Gant's Fecker as it looked at Moravian College with Prof. Gerencher

An unusual set of Fecker orthoscopic eyepieces


A pair of Nishimura binoviewers that came with the Fecker. Only one other similar pair was made: for Kyoto University.

1968 images of Dr. Gant and the 12" set up in his observatory in Boyds, Maryland. Even adding the digital setting circles has not changed this instrument's look significantly! This image is courtesy of Dr. Gant's step children.


This site was last updated 06/13/13   Peter Bealo copyright  2009 - 2010